Тест на визначення рівня англійської (головний сайт) Жов 6, 2022 1/24 Як сказати, де Ви зараз знаходитесь? I am in a taxi. I am on a taxi. I am at a taxi. I am to a taxi. Немає 2/24 Як запитати в друга, коли у нього День народження? What date is your birthday? What date you have your birthday? When your birthday is? When is your birthday? Немає 3/24 Ви зателефонували другу, який через годину вилітає в Барселону. Що варто сказати в кінці розмови? Have a long trip! Have a dangerous trip! Have a safe trip! Never came back! Немає 4/24 У вас часто пригорають тости і розвалюються панкейки. Як сказати, що ви на кухні готуєте так собі? 🙂 I'm not very good at cooking. I'm not very good in cooking. I'm not very good with cooking. I'm not good cooking. Немає 5/24 Ви прийшли на роботу і бачите, що ваші колеги сміються. Як запитати чому? Why do you laugh? Why you are laughing? Why are you laughing? Why you laugh? Немає 6/24 Вас запитують на співбесіді: “How do you relax after a hard day at work?” Як відповісти? I enjoy having sat on a sofa with a box of chocolates. I enjoy sitting on a sofa with a box of chocolates. I enjoy sit on a sofa with a box of chocolates. I enjoy to sit on a sofa with a box of chocolates. Немає 7/24 Ви спілкуєтесь у Skype і через поганий зв'язок не почули співрозмовника. Як ввічливо попросити повторити запитання? Repeat that again! You could repeat that again, please? Could you repeat that again, please? Are you able to repeat that again? Немає 8/24 Ваші колеги по роботі зібралися на фільм Королева Іспанії, але ви його вже бачили. Як запропонувати інший фільм? Have you been to "Voyage of Time"? Have you go to "Voyage of Time"? Had you gone to "Voyage of Time"? You have been to "Voyage of Time"? Немає 9/24 Ваш неуважний друг поставив чашку з кавою біля ноутбука. Що ви йому скажете? Look out! You might spill that coffee on your laptop. Look out! You’re spilling that coffee on your laptop. Look out! You can to spill that coffee on your laptop. Look out! Will you spill that coffee on your laptop. Немає 10/24 Як написати в мотиваційному листі, що ви претендуєте на посаду проектного менеджера у IT компанію? I like to apply for the position of a project manager. I would like to apply for the position of a project manager. I like applying for the position of a project manager. I like having applied for the position of a project manager. Немає 11/24 Ви телефонуєте знайомому по роботі, який відповідає сонним голосом, що передзвонить. На роботі ви його запитуєте: Did you sleep when I was phoning you? You slept when I phoned you? You didn't sleep when I was phoning you? Were you sleeping when I phoned you? Немає 12/24 Ваша знайома дуже любить шоколад і скаржиться на погане самопочуття. Що Ви їй порадите? You should cut down on chocolate. You should cut down with chocolate. You should cut down for chocolate. You should cut down in chocolate. Немає 13/24 Як запитати, що означає скорочення "LOL"? Do you know what LOL stands in? Do you know what LOL stands to? Do you know what LOL stands up? Do you know what LOL stands for? Немає 14/24 At airport security: - Are you traveling with any liquids? - Yes, I have this deodorant. - I’m sorry, but that is too big. Each container must not _____ 100ml. accept exceed proceed excess Немає 15/24 I am not keen _____ Instagram. I can upload a couple of pictures when I am on a vacation. But that’s it. with on in about Немає 16/24 You forgot your facebook password and can’t access your account now. You can’t reset your password because you forgot your email password either. What would you say? I might not have been in so much trouble if I had written my password somewhere. I might not be in so much trouble if I had written my password somewhere. I might not be in so much trouble if I wrote my password somewhere. I might not have been in so much trouble if I wrote my password somewhere. Немає 17/24 You are driving and you feel your car brakes aren’t working as normal. What would you say to a friend sitting next to you? I wish I had my car repaired. I wish I had had my car repaired. I wish I have my car repaired. I wish I will have my car repaired. Немає 18/24 You are telling a success story about your friend Monica who overcame failure. Choose the right tense. She wrote computer games for over ten years before she finally had a hit. She has been written computer games for over ten years before she finally had a hit. She has been writing computer games for over ten years before she finally had a hit. She had been writing computer games for over ten years before she finally had a hit. Немає 19/24 You're in a bar telling your close friend what you're going to do exactly in two weeks' time. I will be having a fantastic road trip across the United States. I will have had a fantastic road trip across the United States. I will been having a fantastic road trip across the United States. I will have been having a fantastic road trip across the United States. Немає 20/24 Your friend has had his IPhone for quite a while but he is still not comfortable using it. He says: I'm used to using it. I have never used it. I used to use it. I'm getting used to it. Немає 21/24 You're developing a new mobile application and you hope it is going to become popular with children. Hopefully, our new mobile application will catch on with children. Hopefully, our new mobile application will catch up with children. Hopefully, our new mobile application will catch in with children. Hopefully, our new mobile application will catch after with children. Немає 22/24 You're telling a tourist how to get to the local market. Complete your instructions. "Go straight on until you reach the main road, take the first right, and _____ – you’re there!" Phoebe is your friend I'm your aunt Bob’s your uncle Mark’s your dad Немає 23/24 Your colleague Jim is quitting. He has told you that the job he is doing is too difficult for him. You think he is lying. His reason for quitting doesn't hold water. His reason for quitting doesn't hold sense. His reason for quitting doesn't hold meaning. His reason for quitting doesn't hold firm. Немає 24/24 Your mechanic is telling you that your car is going to be OK soon. Don't worry! We'll soon have run your car like new. Don't worry! We'll soon have your car running like new. Don't worry! We'll soon be having your car running like new. Don't worry! We'll soon be having your car run like new. Немає Name Email Час вийшов Comments comments